Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Act Of Vijayakant

VADIVELU who has vehemently opposed Vijayakant in poll campaign complained in an T.V interview that Vijayakant, the leader of the opposition in the newly elected assemply, has sent his henchmen, probably his fans, and pelter his house with stones. In a democrazy every one has a right to oppose him in elections? one must answer his deractors with only words not with stones. ThiS clearly shows what awaits tamilnadu when people oppose the policies of newly elected goverment.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tamilnadu Elections

Tamilnadu Elections are over. The result is a expected one. The magintude of victory SURPASSES EVERY ONE'S EXPECTATION. Her ardent supporters NDTV AND DINAMALAR AND tHUGLAK AND OTHER AGRAHARATHU WEEKLYS DAILYS AND FORTNIGHTLYS would not have dreamt this.
What sort of victory is this? A man who fought for the rights of backward class and who gave every thing for the uplift of them when he was in power is not given even the opposition leader status. what a shame? Perhaps when we reached the top we don't need the ladder.But beware when we fall it will be steep fall and there won't be any recovery.

I was just reminded of a beautiful poem by Emily Dickenson.

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple Host
Who took the Flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of Victory

As he defeated--dying--
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!