Monday, August 31, 2009

Arming Pakistan and India

whatever aid given by pakistan always end as arsenel against India. U.S. intellegiance agencies accuse Pakistan thatHarpoon anti-ship Missiles given to them were modified to target India.I am not surprised by that news.The arming by western countries was vehemently opposed by India time and again.Two major powers U.S and China are pouring arms and money into Pakistan. Pakistan Rulers, wheteher democratly elected or Military leaders, cleverly divert it to use against India.Pakistan never considered Taliban as their enemy. Its India they want to destruct. Ofcourse China has vested interest in formenting trouble in India.. Why U.S.did not understand this? Why they turn a blind eye? If INDIA is destroyed its as good as end of the world. Nothing can stop Islam to conquer the whole world.China is under the false hope that they are safe from the violent clutches of Islam. Already their north western region had Islamic insurgency recently.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Return of the missing girl

KIDNAPPING HIDEOUT!Image by Dog Company via Flickr

Kidnapping Hideout
Resurfacing of the missing girl after 18 years in America is a hotlly debated news. Kidnapping of young kids is a worst crime in the society. The kidnappers should be severly dealt with. Maximum prision sentence should be awarded for this kind of crimes as to deter future kidnappers in committing such crimes.Why grown-up adults commit such crimes? Why our humanity not grown up from commiting such horrible atrocity against innocent young kids? What short of education these perpurators received when they are kids? Psychologists may say deprieved childhood or broken home.How to gaurd against such criminalas?

Kidnapping and subsquenty holding them as captives may have a permenent effect on both the victims and their families. The victims may be forced to cling to their captors as only way of salvation avlaible to them. A sort of bond would be established between the victims and the abductors. One might have heard of Stockholm syndrome.Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed.Similarly here in the present case also the victim was ashamed of her bonding with the kidnapper.

Read the entire story .

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Cat and Mouse Game never ends


"Malick statment disapponting" says Indian Home Minister.

Indian Home Minister P.Chidambaram was disappointed with the statements of his Pakistani Counterpart Rehman Malick. Ever since Mumbai Terror attack happened the relations between the two nuclear armed Neighbours went downhill.When Indian Home ministery issued RCN against Hafiz Saeed,the master mind behind the terror attack and forwarded to Pakistan, Pakistan refused to acknowledge it.Pakistan interior Minister added further insult to already strained relationship by saying,

"Islamabad would not be responsible for any future terrorist attacks in India."

Chidambaram's rebuttal featured as a top story in Dawn.

You must read the entire news.

Pakistan National Anthem penned by Indian

Another Indian related news caught my attention. In an article about Jinna the author has revealed that Pakistan first national anthem was penned by an indian born Hindu.This has compltely knocked me down.In the article revisiting the past appeared in Dawn, the authorLuv Puri, was surprised to find
"In this context, I discovered an interesting nugget of post-Partition Pakistani history. It is little known that Pakistan’s first national anthem was penned by a Hindu."

How was it my fellow indians? May be there is some thing in what Jaswant sing says.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


John Rehearses Give Peace A Chance By Roy KerwoodImage via Wikipedia

The Boston Globe

In U.S. people realised the importance of buying fresh than from supermarket.Here is an interesting news from Boston.

Now, markets cultivate farmers.

. Direct sales at farmers markets, once a small part of their business, now account for more than 60 percent of their revenue.
In Chennai now we crowd Reliance instead of Koympedu for our vegetables and fruits.

The Independent

Sir Paul Macartney , the one of the Beatles denies having had any rift with Fellow member John Lennon. But attributed some of the remarks were made by him under the influnce of drugs. He paints himself as calm and sober person.

"John said so much crap that he later said he hadn't meant. It's bulls*

B.J.P.has double standards for discplining errant party members.
It has been noted, but without much embarrassment, that Mr. Shourie confessed to being “more affected by Atalji’s [ex-Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee] pain [on being thwarted in his effort to oust Gujarat CM Narendra Modi after the 2002 riots] than what happened in Gujarat.” In short, “Atalji’s pain” was more important than the killing of innocent people. The party, Mr. Shourie said, did not make Mr. Jaswant Singh’s Jinnah comments in his book so much of an issue as his supposed “denigration of Sardar Patel.” This was because an emphasis on Jinnah was likely to
reopen Mr. Advani’s Jinnah episode and questions would be asked why Mr. Jaswant Singh got the sack while Mr. Advani continues to sit at the high table.

LAHORE: Interpol has issued a Red Corner Notice (RCN) against Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed, Times of India reported on Tuesday.
An RCN, however, is not an international arrest warrant and Interpol cannot force Pakistan to arrest Saeed.

Dawn is really happy that it can not force Pakistan to hand over Wanted militant. Partner in war on terrorisiom.

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Monday, August 24, 2009


Blood Money pours into London.

guardian in a latest news revealed the flood of Libayn money into London realestae market which strongly indicates

the release of Lockerbie bomber is no ordinary affair.There is a catch behind it.

WASHINGTON: The United States and its allies are drafting a $5 billion ‘Marshall Plan for Pakistan’ to help rebuild the shattered economy of a key ally in the war against extremists.

How many of the billions would find its way into ISI controlled militants and explode into Delhi, Bombay and other metros. Definetely Obama and his C.I.,A. would look the other way.


‘Talks only after Pakistan fully dismantles terror infrastructure’

As good as saying no talks.

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Calley Apologizes For My Lai Massacre : NPR

My Lai Killer

'”There is not day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai. I feel remorse for the Vietnamese who were killed, for their families, for the American soldiers involved and their families. I am very sorry.

- William L. Calley

Calley didn't deny taking part in the slayings on March

Calley Apologizes For My Lai Massacre : NPR

The American soldier involved in the My Lai Massacre now apologizes. But the innocent villagers burned down there would they come alive.

A survivor of the killings said he welcomed Calley's public apology for his role the atrocity.

"It's a question of the past and we accept his apologies, although they come too late," Pham Thanh Cong, director of a small museum at My Lai, told AFP by telephone. (

What is the guarantee that Massacres like My Lai and Nanking would not repeat again?

History has no answer.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21

Lockerbie Bomber is freed in Scotland

New York Times

Anger Grows Over Hero’s Welcome for Libyan Convict

Hero’s welcome for Lockerbie Bomber that killed at least 270 innocent people. Libayan Government headed by Muammar Gaddafi extended a hero welcome for the militant responsible for bombing Boeing Pan Am Flight 103 on 21 December 1988. Libya is always a staunch supporter of exporting terrorisiom to other countries. It used its oil surplus income for training and arming the militants who wrecked havoc during 70’s and 80’s.. He was Osama Bin Laden of 70’s and 80’s. Many would have forgotten him. Many innocent leaves have been lost because of him

It is rumored that British released him because of commercial and diplomatic interests.
Politicians are all alike world over.


A Downing Street source said that the decision to release Megrahi was made by the Scottish government alone, and called on the Libyans "to act with sensitivity around Megrahi".


But Guma el Gamaty, a Libyan writer and political scientist in London, said al-Megrahi's appeal would have been "very important.

'Political motivations'
"It would have revealed a lot of new information. But a lot of parties were not keen for it to go ahead because it would have shown new evidence which would probably reflect that al-Megrahi was not the culprit or at least not the main culprit.

"The appeal might have shown also that there has been manipulation of evidence ... so I think all parties had an interest for that not to go ahead including the British and American authorities."
"All the signs are there that there has been a political deal that has been carefully crafted by all the political parties involved I think," he said.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18

New York Times

Alternate Plan as Health Option Muddies Debate
The White House has indicated that it could accept a nonprofit health care cooperative as an alternative to a new government insurance plan, originally favored by President Obama

I think President Obama should go slow in his pet project implementation. Insurers and drug companies have lot to fight against.

Taliban Bomb attack kills two Nato troops
Two Afghan UN staff killed and Nato troops injured in suicide blast ahead of election.

Conducting elections in Afghanistan is not an easy task.


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has taken serious notice of the Indian Premier’s statements, Dawn News reported foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi as saying.

Manmohan singh is not an ordinary run of the mills politician. If he says something it certainly must have credibility to it.

Economic Times

India's environmental situation alarming: PM

The "multiple environmental crises that confront our country have created an alarming situation", Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said

We have to make fundamental choices about our lifestyles," the prime minister said, assuring his audience that the "challenges are not insurmountable".

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 16

The New York Times

In Kashmir, the rapes and killings of two young women near the camps of Indian security forces have focused attention on their continuing presence.

U.S. wants to hand over Kasmhmir in a platter to Pakistan. Today they may want Kashmir. tomorrow may be Lucknow. Afterwards Hydera bad then may be Mirshakib pet { a small county in Chennai consisting of few streets thickly populated with Muslims).

The Hindu

Shah Rauh Khan detained for two hours at U.S. airport

If you have a Muslim name entry into U.S. and other western countries sure to attract problems in immigration. A shame on them.


In a speech at an Indian Independence Day function at Srinagar on Saturday, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said: ‘I urge New Delhi to initiate talks with Pakistan to settle all outstanding issues.’

Who will save the Palastine?
A sober article in Al Jazeera. A real analysis of Isreali-Plastine conflict

Saturday, August 15, 2009


The New York Times

During the fatal crash of a sight-seeing helicopter and small airplane over the Hudson River, New York: "The air traffic controller at Teterboro Airport was on the phone with his girlfriend during Saturday's deadly air collision.''

The authorities say he is not responsible for the collision. Do you agree?

Government minister under fire for walking out of Muslim wedding
Jim Fitzpatrick criticised for leaving the segregated ceremony after being told he could not sit with his wife.
See the hate comments

The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

Thursday, August 13, 2009


The Moscow Times

Putin Promises More Aid to Abkhazia


Can any body tell me exactly the erstwhile U.S.S.R. broke into how many independent nations?

Times online

Young jobless touch one million in Briton, the over all percentage being 7.8%

What about India? Let our finance minister speak up pl.

Separated at birth

By Mahir Ali

The animosity cannot be wished away by the odd conciliatory statement at the official level. It calls for a veritable re-education campaign, with government efforts generously supplemented by private endeavours. The likeliest alternative is a pair of nations drifting into senescence while clinging to traits more commonly associated with juvenile delinquency.

I am surprised at the saner voice from Pakistan. Let their tribes increase.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


New York Times

Eunice Kennedy Shriver died to day. She is aged 88. She is brother of President Kennedy and mother of Arnold Schwarzenegger. She is known as the founder of spl. Olympics.

Comment; why I am mentioning it my news blog? I am a great lover of Kennedy Family. When Kennedy was shot dead I was a college student. His charisma and style of functioning caught my imagination.

Pirate Bay leads Swedish Viking charge on paid content

Swedish piracy – digital piracy, that is – is challenging the very essence of traditional copyright law. And even legal Swedish enterprises – such as the popular new music sharing website Spotify - are threatening to rewrite all the laws of conventional media economics.

Internet pirates are now openly crusading in favor of legalising Internet file-sharing. Leading the fight for radical copyright legal reform are two radical Swedish organisations – The Pirate Party, now Sweden’s third largest political party, and the free peer-to-peer music download website, Pirate Bay. Both these organisations are pioneering an increasingly central populist issue in the early 21st century: the right of consumers to freely share creative content on the Intern
Lots of Indian Film Music and movies are avialable free in internet. Some Technology advancement we may not control over. Once actor Kamal once said we can not strictly monitor sale of pirated cds and we just have to learn to live it.


CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu recorded its first swine flu death on Monday when a four-year old boy fell victim to the illness at a private hospital here. Hospital authorities said he died of multiple organ failure following the flu.

How India is going to tackle swine flu? World watches us.

Tehran TimesMedia shouldn’t add fuel to fire: Larijani

My heart goes To Neda
Tehran Times Political Desk

Man on a mission
By Kuldip Nayar

Leaders in Pakistan have in Manmohan Singh a person who is determined to travel whatever distance is required to make up with Pakistan. He is thinking of a common market for the South Asian countries. Islamabad should not try to score points while interpreting the joint statement. He should be strengthened. He is a man on a mission.

An interesting article appeared in Tehran Times. My beloved Sardarji is back on tracks. I completely agree with him.

Any way I have this question?- Iran our friend or foe.

Monday, August 10, 2009


B.B.C News

England Badminton Team refused to participate in the world Championships to be held in Hyderabad India citing security concerns.

Comment: our neighbors would have the last laugh

Los Angeles times

U.S., Mexico and Canada three North American Countries met at Gudalraja to sort out Trade problems and travel restrictions among them..

Beer party then. Now perhaps dope would have changed place.

In a survey conducted by Aljazeera Overwhelming percentage of Pakistanis saw U.S. as a biggest threat to its existence not Taliban.

They would never saw the light.