Monday, August 31, 2009

Arming Pakistan and India

whatever aid given by pakistan always end as arsenel against India. U.S. intellegiance agencies accuse Pakistan thatHarpoon anti-ship Missiles given to them were modified to target India.I am not surprised by that news.The arming by western countries was vehemently opposed by India time and again.Two major powers U.S and China are pouring arms and money into Pakistan. Pakistan Rulers, wheteher democratly elected or Military leaders, cleverly divert it to use against India.Pakistan never considered Taliban as their enemy. Its India they want to destruct. Ofcourse China has vested interest in formenting trouble in India.. Why U.S.did not understand this? Why they turn a blind eye? If INDIA is destroyed its as good as end of the world. Nothing can stop Islam to conquer the whole world.China is under the false hope that they are safe from the violent clutches of Islam. Already their north western region had Islamic insurgency recently.

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